Separsand SS100

Separsand SS100
SEPARSAND (sand separator) is used to separate all the heavy contaminants from the rejects of the dense paste epurators. The new model was born for questions of space, in most cases the epurators are mounted too near the ground so it is Impossible to insert a normal desander with a decanting tank. The SS 100 model does not have the decanting tank, but a small tank with the same volume as the trap attached to the cleaners. There is an electric hydraulic valve on the tank, which allows the water to discharge once it has decanted the heavy material on the bottom. The tube and the container of the SEPARSAND SS 100 are built in stainless steel 304-316, while the screw is in carbon steel. This Model can also have an attachment flange of various sized to be connected directly to the epurator discharge.
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